- 건축역사 및 도시사
- 근현대도시 및 건축
- 아시아 근현대도시 건축 비교
- 산업도시와 산업유산
- 군사도시와 군기지
- 불편문화유산과 유산화과정(Heritagization)
Research Area
- Architectural History and Urban History
- Modern Cities and Architecture
- Comparative Study of Modern City and Architecture in Asia
- Industrial Cities and Industrial Heritage
- Military Cities and Military Bases
- Difficult Heritage and the Process of Heritagization
- #근대건축 Modern Architecture
- #근대도시 Modern City
- #유산화 Heritagization
- #도시유산 Urban Heritage
- #서울 Seoul
- #문화유산 Cultural Heritage
- #도시주거 Urban Housing
- #산업유산 Industrial Heritage
- #건축자산 Architectural Asset
- #등록국가유산 Registered National Heritage
- #인천 Incheon
- #부평 Bupyeong
- #군사유산 Military Heritage
- #도시기반시설 Urban Infrastructure
- #근대화 Modernization
- #외국인거류지 Foreign Settlement
- #산업도시 Industrial City
- #일본인 거류지 Japanese Settlement
- #노동자주택 Worker's Housing
- #타이베이 Taipei
- #도로개수 Urban Improvement
- #근대병원 Modern Hospital
- #동아시아 East Asia
- #개항장 Open Port
- #도시화 Urbanization
- #도시위생 Urban Sanitation
- #상수도 Waterworks
- #비교연구 Comparative Studies
- #울산 Ulsan
- #초국경유산 Transnational Heritage
- #식민도시 Colonial City
- #불편유산 Difficult Heritage
- #만주 Manchuria
- #불화유산 Dissonant Heritage